Nadya Primak
Creative technologist who makes games and blogs.
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Web Dev VR Design Game Dev Video Art Education Photographer Blogging
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November 02, 2018
New Landing Page for my Book About Breaking into Tech
Doing a new Learn to Code with Games blog series
Live Coding Visuals
P5JS creative coding introduction!
What it means to be a creative coder
(nadyaprimak.com) -
Uploaded my ebook about breaking into tech as a self taught dev to Gumroad
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This is great! Excited to get new awesome women to follow! I tweet about intersections between code, games, and art. https://twitter.com/nadyaprimak
I ended up changing it to www.nadyaprimak.com/blog so there is a redirect now
I'm working on an ebook about my self taught journey to a career in web development. It's been interesting taking a trip down memory lane and reflecting back on the struggles I faced and what I learned. So much stuff that I didn't realize the value of until years later. I hope it helps get more marginalized folks into tech, or at least alleviates some of the fear. There is an excerpt from the book on my blog: https://www.multimedia-minds.com/2019/10/14/book-excerpt-learning-to-code