By Juliette ・11 comments

I launched the website that I wanted to make for this challenge and I realized that I wasn't done at all !
Here is the link of the repository: and of the website:
I would like people to contribute to this website, to add ressources, to explain how these resources helped them. I'm currently reading a toooon of articles on open source communities, how someone has to be patient before gaining contributors.
I see the website as a kind of "Wikipedia" for developers in Ruby on Rails, with a strong emphasis on women. And there are a lot of people contributing to wikipedia, right ? So I should find people for this project too ?
Anyway, thanks for reading and have a nice week-end :)

Your comment

Heya Juliette!

Maybe I can throw in my two cents on this :) Me and my partner run collections of curated resources and projects around the Vue.js / Laravel / React and Svelte ecosystems.

If you want to completely open-source it, I think you'll have to establish some kind of style guide and shared vision within your emerging community so the contributions are in line with what you want to build. This will probably need more involvement from you initially (also especially to encourage people to contribute), so you can be more hands-off about the content later.

Adding to the recommendations of the others: Maybe you want to look into the topic of community management in general - there's a lot of research (aside of the specific focus on OSS communities). Perhaps this blog is interesting for you:


Hi Juliette, I'm planning on conducting an open source event directed to bringing more women into contributing to OSS sometimes in November (still on the planning phase), and I have been looking for women maintainers, contributers and speakers who have experience in the field. Would you like to talk about this there instead? I think there are a few Rails developers in my community, and you might as well get some contributors from there!


Wikipedia is in the game for a loooong time! But it doesn't mean you can't get there. You should find where you users are hanging out: Twitter hashtags, Facebook groups, subreddits about Rails, etc. Then talk to them!

One thing is sure, people won't come by themselves, unless you have a killer SEO. About that, you could read [this post] to understand how it works. @stephsmith recently wrote [a book] on this topic that you might be interested in.


Hi Juliette! I've been an RoR dev for 7 years now - Would love to contribute my favorite resources :)


Thank you Julie for proposing to contribute ! The website is for now intended for girls going to the meet-up that I lead, Women on Rails (we see each others once a month to code), so right now it's in french :$ But almost all of the resources linked to are in english (obviously). So if you have links that you'd like to share that'll be great ! If you add a little description or how the site has been helpful to you I'll gladly translate :) For now on the website we have resources on how to find a job, how to prepare for a technical interview, how to progress after learning to code (having their own project, contributing to open source...) And I'd like to integrate resources on getting inspired (like, if you follow women dev on social media that inspire you I'd love to hear of them :) )
