Karla Fernandes

UX/UI & Digital Product Designer · 25+ years of Design Experience · Building products as a team of one

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I'm excited to see women leading the way in #nocode! The first 3 experts registered on Nocode Kraft are women, and I'm thrilled to have their support. 🎉 Fill out the Tally Forms (https://tally.so/r/wgaKbN) to be featured among the first experts.❤️

Yes :) always nice to see it going forward, but also worrying hahahah when going in the same direction. How do you normally feel when your projects are about to launch?

You are right :D

I understand your point about a user-friendly design focusing on a single, well-designed feature, but what if that feature interacts with other areas? For example, in the case of a no-code tools directory, simply having access to the directory may not be enough to help the user. Having access to experts, tutorials, and events related to that tool can give the user a better understanding of what they can build. So, would you consider that one feature or many?

Those were the feedback resume and the recommended improvement. It was very interesting @marie_dm as a designer, I am still impressed every time I get prototypes to the hands of real users, there is always room to improve!

#Day6 Ideate and Sketch I started with sketching with apple #freeform

💡Always begin by creating rough sketches that focus on the structure of the app.

Next, I turned my sketches into low-fidelity #Wireframes using Figma which is a great tool for iterating on design ideas and creating prototypes.

🙋‍♀️Is the user icon button on the Home screen easily discoverable?

#Wireframes #BuildingInPublic #AppDesign #NoCode