By karlafernandes ・2 comments

I started with sketching with apple #freeform

💡Always begin by creating rough sketches that focus on the structure of the app.

Day6: Ideate and Sketch

Next, I turned my sketches into low-fidelity #Wireframes using Figma which is a great tool for iterating on design ideas and creating prototypes.

🙋‍♀️Is the user icon button on the Home screen easily discoverable?

Day6: Ideate and Sketch

#Wireframes #AppDesign #NoCode #BuildingInPublic

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#Day6 Ideate and Sketch I started with sketching with apple #freeform

💡Always begin by creating rough sketches that focus on the structure of the app.

Next, I turned my sketches into low-fidelity #Wireframes using Figma which is a great tool for iterating on design ideas and creating prototypes.

🙋‍♀️Is the user icon button on the Home screen easily discoverable?

#Wireframes #BuildingInPublic #AppDesign #NoCode


If you’re talking about the top right corner button, I think it makes sense. It’s quite common to have it placed there and users should be familiar with this.
