Experimenting with using this post + comments to document my daily updates/decisions/questions. So here we go!
Day 1:
did: wrote copy for the launch/preorder/marketing page for the ebook, in a word doc
next: write the introduction to the book, that explains how to read/who it's for/why I wrote it, etc.
tomorrow: transfer the marketing copy to an actual webpage and share it for feedback, with this group!
Day 20 (tuesday): did: making changes/tweaks based on testing of pre-order page. started in sharing more next: write introduction chapter, and include the sample pdf to include the intro
Day 19 (monday): did: testing pre-order page. started sharing next: proofread all chapters, clean up tables.
Day 16, 17 (saturday, sunday): break
Day 15 (friday): did: formatted/ported the last 3 chapter, all 16 chapters done, about 70 pages in pdf. next: proofread all chapters, clean up tables. Tomorrow: really start sharing this pre-order page more publicly https://connectthedots.dev/.
Day 15 (thursday): did: formatted/ported more chapters 13 out of 16 good. next: port/format last 3 chapters. Tomorrow: start sharing the pre-order more publicly (still haven't done that, stalling on that a bit).
Day 12 (monday): did: Sent sample chapter to couple of early subscribers at https://connectthedots.dev/ next: port/format and proofread 4 (out of 16) chapters. Tomorrow: start sharing the pre-order more publicly.
Woohoo! 🙌 The whole project is really taking shape!
Day 14 (wednesday): did: formatted/ported more chapters 10 out of 16! next: port/format rest of chapters. Tomorrow: start sharing the pre-order more publicly (still haven't done that, stalling on that a bit).
Day 13 (tuesday): did: decided on tools for the ebook with support for code block, syntax highlighing, images, tables and all that. ported 2 chapters next: port/format and proofread 4 more chapters. Tomorrow: start sharing the pre-order more publicly.
Day 9/10 (sat/sun): break
Day 9 (friday): did: tweaks to pre-order page. Sample chapter ready to email next: start sharing the pre-order more publicly Tomorrow: start sharing the pre-order more publiclypage.
Day 8 (thursday): did: Polished the sample chapter (decided on API). Incorporated feedback from @tamara on the pre-order page (more to go). Sent out the pre-order page for more feedback. next: draw a new illustration for the API chapter and then make the pdf. Tomorrow: incorporate more feedback and start sharing the pre-order page.
It's @gimmeacamera ;)
Day 7 (wednesday): did: other work. next: Make pdf of sample chapter (Binary Number System). Update page with any feedback. Tomorrow: import all my chapters into some tools and experiment with different formats
Day 6 (tuesday): did: pre-order page for the ebook is done v1 https://connectthedotsbook.carrd.co/ next: Make pdf of sample chapter (Binary Number System). Update page with any feedback. Tomorrow: import all my chapters into some tools and experiment with different formats
Day 5 (monday): did: pre-order page very close to done. just need to connect stripe and mailchimp next: finish up and share the pre-order page with this group! tomorrow: Make pdf of sample chapter (Binary Number System). Update any feedback into pre-order page.
Day 4 (sunday): rest day :)
Day 3 (saturday): did: still working on the pre-order page, simplifying. next: finish and share the pre-order page with this group! tomorrow: Polish sample chapter (on APIs or Binary Number System?). Make a pdf to share as an opt-in reward thing.
Day 2: did: wrote draft introduction, table of contents, organized the topics. Created 'wireframe' for pre-order page and made some decision on price next: finish and share the pre-order page with this group! tomorrow: Polish sample chapter (on APIs or Binary Number System?). Make a pdf to share as an opt-in reward thing.