By Clo_O 🌺 ・13 comments

This is just an appreciation post for Marie for creating, nurturing, growing this community for over a year.

Think of all the connections we made.
All the friends we met, both online and IRL.
All the gigs/work/customers we *all* got through Women Make.

Well, without Marie, they wouldn't have happened.

So Marie, you deserve a big, warm 🧡 THANK YOU 🧡 from all of us.

Also, I'm linking to Marie's Patreon for anyone who wants (and can afford) to show appreciation with financial support 😘 =>

Your comment

Thank you very much for making/running WM community, Marie! And I already told you in person, but thank you so much for building this forum too! It's easier for some of us to be more active on this community.


Instant reaction, I wanted to like this post. Can we not like stuff?


I second this!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thanks so much, Marie!


Yes!! Thank you so much Marie ♥️


Thank you Anne-Laure! 💙


^THIS THIS THIS^ Thank you Marie! And thank you to all of the wonderful people in this community who I know I can always come to to bounce ideas off of, and for the support and inspiration!


Thank you Clo! 💕 I remember talking to you on Twitter for the 1st time in April 2018 (27th to be exact, I just checked my DMs). So happy you joined Women Make, and in the early days!
