Mo Rajabi
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Software Dev Web Dev Design Startup founders Podcast Video SaaS Product Management Photographer Community
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Estonia 🇪🇪
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October 19, 2019
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*your format
Really like the format to put only one piece of information per sentence.
This has gotten much much better since last time I saw it. Clearly you've put a lot of thought into it. One small bit of feedback on the GIF screen cap: I can't really see what it does without zooming in 2x and then it goes very fast. Maybe you can replace/compliment that gif with a little simplified and bigger design, like a mock-up to high light primary action. Or just use a video tag so people can pause it, make it bigger and show how that modal opens at the beginning in Slack—is it a bot?
I'm not a native English speaker, so I always find myself in this situation. Recently, I've tried a few tips that have helped me:
Write a lot of content. Don't stress the wording early, don't edit too soon as it blocks your mind. Just try to write anything you want to say even if you don't like your wording yet. After writing 2x-3x of you need, your mind warms-up.
Copy/See inspirations: I find similar websites to mine that I like their tone or wording. Eg. when doing https://usenoor.com landing, I looked at superhuman.com and twist.com, to use some of their phrases, word choices, or how they convey meaning in a short phrase) same for personal websites (eg. https://mxstbr.com , whatever you find interesting)
Send it to 1-2 friends, after you wrote what you can. I asked @Clo_O on Women Make to proof read, and she wrote lots of recommendations and suggestions.
Google synonyms: I sometimes find similar words by searching " synonym" in Google. Search "snappy synonym" I get "concise","crisp", "bright", "elegant".
Cut: Find phrases, sentences, and words that you've repeated, and remove repetition or replace a sentence with a concise word (often native-Englishers are good at this). Save the parts that don't belong to the topic at hand for later.
"Bullet-point -> text" technique: After you wrote all the text you could on the topic, summarize it to bullet-points and keep them very concise (it's for yourself), and now start writing again based on the bullet points (important first). It helps you to cut the fluff
If you told us specifics you need help with, maybe I could help better.