By Patty Tom ・1 comment

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Looking for feedback on a new concept, the problem I face as a person who lives in a home and rents rooms out as well for a small amount of properties is the manual tasks of rounding out the utilities portion for every person. Those include: finding bills (by logging into all portals), computing bills (to each person's exact amount), notifying person of bill, and then tracking if bill was paid.

Hoping to find if other makers have this problem or know who has experienced this as well!

Your comment

Hi Patty, I think this is an excellent idea. I know is also trying to help landlords manage multiple properties, but this one on utilities is a good one and you can probably target folks who use or search for Cozy.

Haven't had to do this yet as I'm the tenant mostly but I can imagine how difficult this might be every month when the time to pay utilities comes around.
