By Meri

It's not as important as you think it is. I know, controversial for a brand professional but hear me out.

Part of the reason that auto-logo generators work is that it's almost impossible to create a truly standout logo that someone will remember after seeing it only once.

Keep this in mind, because I've seen too many teams spend countless hours or even days worrying about the minute details of a logo, only to find that they haven't actually put their product in front of their audience effectively. Brand loyalty is built by creating amazing user experience, not having the world's most amazing logo.

So what WILL get you results faster than having a perfectly designed logo? Here is what I've learned from working with tech founder teams so far.

1. Having a brand purpose (foundation/why/northstar, insert buzzword here) that aligns everything in your business around one thing.
2. Knowing who your audience is, what their pain points are and where they hang out on the internet
3. Creating a cohesive set of visual and verbal guidelines that creates rules for how things should look and sound, based on your purpose and audience.
4. Being willing to keep iterating absolutely everything (including brand assets like your logo) based on what your audience actually needs.

If this is something that you are struggling with, I'd love to hear about it! Anything else you'd like to add to this list, or do you think logo is the most important thing any founder should be working on? Let's chat!

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